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Memphis Physicians’ Unified Statement on Reopening

May 12, 2020

Statement from Physician Leaders Regarding Community Reopening

As Memphis begins its reopening phase, the physician members of our organizations will
continue to focus on public health. We respect the decisions made by our local government
officials, and we understand additional non-medical factors must be considered.

As there is no vaccine or definitive treatment for COVID-19 currently, the safest and healthiest choice is to continue to stay at home and practice as much social distancing as possible. When you need to make essential trips, we still advise you to wear a mask. Wash your hands before and after those trips, and routinely throughout the day. Each trip outside your home is a risk for infection. In some cases, such as doctors’ appointments, this risk is warranted because every precaution is taken to protect you by healthcare professionals. The health and safety of our community is, and always will be, the number one priority for physicians.

You do not need to be sick with COVID-19 to seek medical attention. If you are seriously ill, then do not be afraid to visit hospitals and medical clinics that are open. This is a SAFE activity. To treat any condition which needs immediate care, we as physicians are still here for you. Protocols are already in place at medical facilities to protect you from exposure to COVID-19.

Reopening Memphis in phase one is a trial. The number of positive COVID-19 patients will continue to increase as we begin to interact again with more people. If numbers spike after this first phase, we may need to revert back to a stricter stay-at-home policy. Remember, these precautions are to save lives. We do not know when this crisis will end, so should a rise in cases occur, we are here to take care of you.

Please remember that our Memphis doctors and all of our healthcare team members are on the front lines for you. Your health is our main concern.

With regard for your health and safety,

The physicians of:

Memphis Medical Society

Bluff City Medical Society

American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin

Memphis Pediatric Society

Questions: Allison Cook,, 901-761-0200