See below for an up-to-the-minute update for what we know and when, where, and how you and your clinic employees will get vaccinated. We are pooling information from CDC, the Tennessee Department of Health, Shelby County Health Department and select local hospitals. We will keep this page updated with information as we know more.
Dr. Manoj Jain is accompanied by leadership from AEL and Poplar Healthcare to discuss the latest developments regarding COVID-19 variant strains, vaccination strategy and planning as of Thursday, February 11, 2021.
Area Walmart locations are now providing appointments for COVID-19 vaccinations. Click here to create a free account to review openings. New slots are opened weekly.
The Shelby County Health Department receives limited quantities of COVID-19 vaccines from the State of Tennessee on a periodic basis. In the coming weeks and as larger vaccine quantities become available, they will offer surplus supply to individuals who join the Shelby County VaxQueue. Click here to join the waiting list.
TN Department of Health Updates
The state of Tennessee has created an online COVID-19 vaccine eligibility tool.
Click here to input your information and to see in which phase you are classified.
Vaccination Guidance for Healthcare Facilities and Staff
This information is exclusive to Shelby County, and it is subject to change.
Vaccine availability for Hospital-Based 1a1 Healthcare Workers
You should be vaccinated through a facility where you are employed and/or have privileges.
Vaccine availability for those who work at a COVID-19 public testing site (1a1)
We are working on a plan with Shelby County Health Department (SCHD), various hospitals, and other stakeholders to offer vaccine ASAP. Be on the lookout for separate communication via phone or email as soon as we know more.
Vaccine availability for Long-Term Care Patients and Staff (1a1)
Your facility should have an arrangement in place with an area pharmacy for you. If that is not the case, please let us know.
Vaccine availability for First Responders (1a1)
The Shelby County Health Department has a plan in the works to vaccinate those remaining healthcare responders.
Vaccine availability for Outpatient Healthcare Workers with Direct Patient Exposure (1a2)
We are working alongside SCHD, various hospitals, and other stakeholders to offer vaccines ASAP. Be on the lookout for separate communication via phone or email as soon as we know more.
Current Best Guidance for Shelby County Residents Aged 75+
SCHDremains the most viable source for vaccination. Click herefor their complete information and updates. Most first-dose vaccine slots for January are filled; however, you can click hereto check the sign-up list to see any new openings. SCHD is also in the process of securing additional vaccination sites in addition to the Pipkin Building.
Current Best Guidance for Teachers
SCHD is working with each of the school systems individually on a plan to vaccinate that district’s teachers and staff. Communication on this should be sent directly from your school district and/or school administration.
Current Best Guidance for Patients Who Have Already Been Vaccinated
Your patients should have a card issued to them from CDC that serves as record of their vaccinations. They should share a copy with any provider requiring vaccination records. If not available, and the provider has access to TennIIs, the shot record should be retrievable from there.
Outpatient Clinics Who Applied to be Vaccination Sites
In the most recent TN Department of Health update, it was stated that supply is currently not allowing for distribution to outpatient clinics. There was also a decision made to send vaccine to various Walmart pharmacies in order to allow for more equitable access to vaccine, thus removing the possible requirement to be a patient of a certain clinic in order to be vaccinated. Should supply increase, outpatient clinics may still receive vaccine.
Shelby County Health Department Updates
Click here for the safer-at-home order, effective December 26, 2020 at 12:01 am and expiring January 22, 2021 at 11:59 pm. Click here for its summary.