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TN Medical Education Fund for 2021-2022


We anticipate a total of approximately $180,000 in scholarships will be awarded for the 2021-22 academic year. The final award amount will be confirmed once final 2020 financial reports have been reviewed and approved.


The required application information for TMEF has not changed significantly since last year.


The application is now “live” and may be accessed using the direct link Students may also access the information on the TMA website at the top of the student page at


The application link will close at midnight on April 15, 2021.  Once the application link is closed, each school will receive an excel spreadsheet from me with application information for your student applicants.  We require each school to provide the financial aid information for your students and return the completed excel file to Beth Lentchner at TMA via a secure email (send to  You will need to provide the following information for each student by April 30, 2021:


  1. Scholarship Ranking

TMEF is entirely dependent on each medical school financial aid officer (FAO) to rank the relative financial need of each applicant according to the following scale:


  1. = EFC less than $1,000
  2. = EFC between $1,000 and $3,000
  3. = EFC above $3,000


The FAO ranking of each application makes it possible for TMEF to award scholarships to those with the greatest financial need.


  1. Certified Aid Amount

This is the amount of financial aid the FAO determines is still needed by the applicant, after other sources of financial aid (and EFC) have been taken into account. The data the FAO uses in making that determination would be entirely from the applicant’s 2019-20 financial aid requests. If only $5,000 is needed by the applicant to meet the cost of education, that is the amount the FAO would report.  If $10,000 or more is needed by the applicant to meet the cost of education, the FAO would report (the maximum) $10,000


  1. Class Ranking (if available)
  • Enrollment status (Full/Part Time)
  • Period (Month/Day/Year) of enrollment (From/To)
  • Anticipated Graduation Date (Month/Year)


Newly added information:

  1. Confirmation of student’s “in-state” status as a permanent Tennessee resident according to your school guidelines for qualification.

As you are aware, a student residing in Tennessee for the purpose of attending medical school is not an automatic qualifier for in-state student status.


  • Acknowledgement of disbursement of funds. Schools have been following this structure, however, TMEF needs a record of school agreement of disbursement of funds for filing documentation with the IRS.

The TMEF may disburse scholarship funds by forwarding funds by wire transfer or by check payable to the medical school which student is enrolled for the purpose of crediting student account at such medical school for the full amount of any scholarship awarded. If the total amount of any scholarship funds awarded to a student exceed the amount necessary to pay what the student owes the medical school for tuition, enrollment fees, or fees, books, supplies, and equipment that are required for the courses being taken at the medical school, the balance of excess funds will be returned by the school to the TMEF.


The required information will be noted on the excel spreadsheet you receive.


TMEF 2021-22 Medical Student Scholarship Application Timeline

Jan 11                  School Financial Aid Offices notified and application information sent


Feb 15                   Prelim report to schools on applicants


March 15             Prelim report to schools on applicants


April 15                Application link closes for students


April 19                Student Application information sent to each school

Schools complete Financial Aid information for each applicant


April 30                 Completed Financial Aid information due from schools to TMA/TMEF

Email completed excel document to


May                       TMEF BOD meets to award scholarships (TBD)


May/June*         Notify schools and students of scholarship awards

Students will receive award letters via email provided on application

*dependent on TMEF BOD May meeting date


June / July           1st – 50% award distribution checks mailed to schools


January 2022     2nd – 50% award distribution checks mailed to schools


January 10         2022-23 Call for scholarship applications sent to schools



After the April 30th deadline, all applications will be processed and submitted to the TMEF board for review and scholarship award determination.  We will notify each school of the scholarships which have been awarded to the medical students from your organization.


Payment will be made directly to the medical school in 2 payments.  Half of the scholarship amount in June/July 2021 and the other half in January 2022.