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Save the date: Day on the Hill 2024

Mark your calendars for Tuesday, March 5! 

Doctors’ Day on the Hill is TMA’s annual policy briefing and lobby day designed to encourage physicians, residents, and students to participate in the legislative process and advocate on top healthcare issues affecting the medical profession.

This year’s half-day event will begin at noon and give TMA members the opportunity to educate their local lawmakers, attend committee hearings, and share personal stories about the issues affecting Tennessee patients and the practice of medicine. Later, attendees can enjoy an afternoon of networking with legislators during a cocktail reception at the Nashville City Center from 4 – 6 p.m. 

The event is FREE for all MMS members, students, residents, alliance members, and practice administrators, but registration is required. Visit to sign up.

Memphis Medical Society will provide a free bus ride for this event. Watch for a sign-up form in the coming months to reserve your seat.