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Physicians Needed for Shadowing Opportunity

The Hutchison High School Computer Sciences Teacher, Larura Rangarajan, is seeking physicians who would be interested in allowing high school sophomores to shadow them Thursday morning, 10/19/2021, for 4 hours.

Students would be individually paired with their assigned physician. Their parents would provide the student’s own transportation to and from that physician’s location. Afterwards, the students will write a report on the meaning of their experience from the shadowing for their furture academic and career goals.

Eight female students have expressed interest in being paired with physicians in any area of medicine, but especially in Anesthesiology, Cardiology, Neurosurgery, ENT, Dermatology, and Pediatrics. They are especially interested in being paired with a female physician, but they will be most happy to be paired with any intered physician.

Further information on this opportunity would be availavle from Laura Rangarajan at 1-901-507-2508 or, or from George R. Woodbury, MD at Rheumatology and Dermatology Associates PC on his business mobile at 1-901-265-1189.