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Need Voting Information? It’s all here!

How do I vote?


Vote by mail

Register to vote

Vote on Election Day

Voters in Tennessee can look up where to vote on Tennessee’s site.

Vote early

Tennessee does offer early voting. Learn more about voting early in Tennessee.

What to bring

You will need to show photo ID to vote in Tennessee.

Acceptable forms include (can be expired):

  • Tennessee driver’s license
  • US passport
  • photo ID issued by the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security
  • photo ID issued by the federal or Tennessee state government
  • US military photo ID
  • Tennessee handgun carry permit with your photo
College student IDs are not acceptable.

If you’re a first-time voter who registered by mail and your ID is expired, you will also need to show proof of residence to vote. Acceptable forms include:

  • copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, or paycheck
  • other government document that shows your name and address
Voters without ID: If you are unable to provide ID, you will be able to vote a provisional ballot. You will then have two (2) business days after Election Day to return to the election commission office to show a valid photo ID. Upon returning to the election commission office, the voter will sign an affidavit and a copy of the voter’s photo ID will be made to be reviewed by the counting board.
For more information, please visit the Tennessee Secretary of State’s website.