Member Search

Call for committee members!

MMS is seeking leaders for the reformation of its Membership Committee and the establishment of its Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee.

The Membership Committee leads the recruitment, retention and approval of members. This committee also serves as the body charged with welcoming all physicians to the Memphis medical community. The committee will meet at least quarterly to accomplish its goals. The Membership Committee seeks a diverse group of leaders to foster a welcoming and inclusive environment for all physicians in Memphis.

The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee leads the education, resource collection and strategic efforts of The Society. Its efforts include those within the medical professional community and the community-at-large with a specific focus toward improving patient care through a more educated medical community. The committee will meet at least quarterly to accomplish its goals. The DEI Committee seeks a diverse group of leaders to foster a more educated healthcare community in matters of professionalism, patient care and community awareness.


We welcome all members who are interested in these committees. Both will provide valuable leadership to inform the Society’s strategic plan and grow our membership – all in partnership with Tennessee Medical Association.

The first meeting of the reformed Membership Committee is set for Thursday, November 5th at 6pm via Zoom.

Please click this link and fill out a short form notifying us of your interest. You will then receive a link to the Zoom meeting and/or notified of future meetings of the DEI Committee.

Thank you for all of your support. We are excited to bear the fruit of this important work.





Clint Cummins

CEO, Memphis Medical Society