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2021 Multicultural and Global Health Symposium

The Center for Multicultural and Global Health (CMGH) here at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center is a distinguished academic, clinical training, and research center focused on increasing health equity for vulnerable populations across Tennessee and the world.

We, at CMGH, are excited to announce our inaugural symposium. The 2021 Multicultural and Global Health Symposium is scheduled for November 6th, 2021, under the theme “Reimagining Multicultural and Global Health in the Age of COVID.”

We are looking forward to welcoming distinguished speakers from various institutions in the US and abroad to discuss current issues in global health – specifically lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, sustainable global health in the modern era, and health impacts of the Southern border crisis.

The symposium has been approved for 6.25 hours of Continuing Medical Education (CME) and will be offered as a hybrid event with both virtual and in-person attendance options available.